
AntTweakBar library
Volumetric Billboards
Volumetric Billboards
Garments modeling
Forest scenes in realtime
Texture: packing tiles
Packing tiles
Cartoon rendering
Modeling: deformation tools
Ph.D. thesis

Publications List

Philippe Decaudin

Refereed papers

Ph. Decaudin, F. Neyret. Volumetric Billboards. Computer Graphics Forum, Volume 28 (8), p 2079-–2089, 2009.

V. Vidal, X. Mei, Ph. Decaudin. Simple Empty-Space Removal for Interactive Volume Rendering. Journal of Graphics Tools, Volume 13 (2), p 21-–36, 2008.

X. Mei, Ph. Decaudin, B. Hu, X. Zhang. Real-Time Marker Level Set on GPU. CW '08: Proceedings of the International Conference on Cyberworlds, China, September 2008.

X. Mei, Ph. Decaudin, B. Hu. Fast Hydraulic Erosion Simulation and Visualization on GPU. Proceedings of Pacific Graphics '07, Hawaii, USA, October 2007.

Ph. Decaudin, D. Julius, J. Wither, L. Boissieux, A. Sheffer, M.-P. Cani. Virtual Garments: A Fully Geometric Approach for Clothing Design. Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics '06 conference proceedings), Volume 25, p 625--634. Vienna, Austria, September 2006.

Ph. Decaudin, F. Neyret. Rendering Forest Scenes in Real-Time. Rendering Techniques '04 (Eurographics Symposium on Rendering), p 93--102. Norrköping, Sweden, June 2004.

Ph. Decaudin, F. Neyret. Packing Square Tiles into One Texture. Proceedings of Eurographics '04 (short papers), p 49--52. Grenoble, France, August 2004.

Ph. Decaudin. Geometric Deformation by Merging a 3D Object with a Simple Shape. Proceedings of Graphics Interface '96, p 55--60. Toronto, Canada, May 1996.

Ph. Decaudin. Geometric Deformation by Merging a 3D Object with a Simple Shape (short version). Siggraph '95 - Technical Sketches. Los Angeles, USA, August 1995.

Ph. Decaudin, A. Gagalowicz. Fusion of 3D Shapes . Proceedings of Fifth Eurographics Workshop on Animation and Simulation. Oslo, Norway, September 1994.

Book chapter

A. Meyer, Ph. Decaudin, F. Neyret. Représentations Alternatives (in french). Informatique Graphique et Rendu, ch. 8 (Traité IC2, série traitement du signal et de l'image). Hermes Science Publications, ISBN 978-2-7462-1515-3, March 2007.

Refereed poster

F. Cohen, Ph. Decaudin, F. Neyret. GPU-Based Lighting and Shadowing of Complex Natural Scenes. Siggraph '04 Poster (Conf. DVD-ROM). Los Angeles, USA, August 2004.


Ph. Decaudin. Modélisation par Fusion de Formes 3D pour la Synthèse d'Images -- Rendu de Scènes 3D imitant le Style «Dessin Animé» (Modeling using Fusion of 3D Shapes for Computer Graphics -- Cartoon-Looking Rendering of 3D Scenes, in french). Ph.D. Thesis of Université de Technologie de Compiègne (France). December 1996.

Ph. Decaudin. Composition d'objets tridimensionnels (in french). Master's Thesis, Université de Technologie de Compiègne (France). September 1993.

Research reports

Ph. Decaudin, B. Thomasewski, M.-P. Cani. Virtual Garments Based on Geometric Features of Fabric Buckling. Research Report INRIA #5549, April 2005.

Ph. Decaudin. Cartoon-Looking Rendering of 3D-Scenes. Research Report INRIA #2919, June 1996.

F. Neyret, Ph. Decaudin, J.-P. Tarel. Expérimentations sur machines parallèle KSR 1 (in french). INRIA Report, 1994.

Refereed national publication

O. Boireau, A. Dartigalongue, Ph. Decaudin, J. Lamoure, P. Lebrun, F. Lesel, O. Limaux. Cahier des Charges pour Fusées Expérimentales Mono Étage (in french). Cahier CNES/Planète Sciences. 94 pages, 1998.

Non-refereed presentation

S. Lefebvre, F. Neyret, Ph. Decaudin, S. Guy. Questions About GPUs. Journées AS rendu temps-réel RTP 07-CNRS, Bordeaux, October 2003.

Short films

Ph. Decaudin. Rendez-Vous. Short film, computer graphics animation, INRIA, 1996.

Ph. Decaudin, A. Paouri. Caverna Magica. Short film, computer graphics animation, INRIA, 1994.


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