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Ph.D. thesis

Geometric Approach for Modeling Virtual Garments
with Folds and Wrinkles


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Geometric approach for modeling virtual garments with folds and wrinkles (2005-2006)

We present a fully geometric and procedural approach for modeling garments worn by virtual characters. Our method takes into account the properties of fabric to generate the geometry of local folds and wrinkles that are so crucial for visual realism.

Modeling is performed by approximating an initial free-form surface roughly representing a garment by a piecewise developable mesh called the buckling mesh. The latter models the specific buckling features of fabric: more precisely, it automatically folds according to pre-computed patterns, depending on the 3D positions of a few control points. The approximation enhances the realism of the garment surface since the wrinkles that make it piecewise developable also give it the appearance of fabric. The buckling mesh procedurally folds and unfolds according to the positions of its control points.


       Some illustrations :

Buckling phenomena observed in real fabric: Diamond shape patterns (left and middle) appear under axial compression of a cylinder of fabric. Twist patterns (right) made of parallel oblique wrinkles appear when one end of the cylinder is twisted.

Procedural folds. Left: diamond and twist buckling. Right: complex folds during progressive bending and when axis aligned folds are combined with twisting.

Procedural animations of the buckling mesh control points.

Garment deformations under different body poses.

From sketch to garment. Left to right: sketched contours and darts; 3D shape computed using distance field; piecwise developable surface; control mesh; final virtual garment.

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Related publications

- Ph. Decaudin, D. Julius, J. Wither, L. Boissieux, A. Sheffer, M.-P. Cani. Virtual Garments: A Fully Geometric Approach for Clothing Design. Computer Graphics Forum (Eurographics 2006 conference proceedings), Volume 25, p 625--634. Vienna, Austria, September 2006.

- Ph. Decaudin, B. Thomasewski, M.-P. Cani. Virtual Garments Based on Geometric Features of Fabric Buckling. Research Report INRIA #5549, April 2005.

- My other publications.


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