GPU-Based Lighting and Shadowing of Complex Natural ScenesFlorent Cohen, Philippe Decaudin, Fabrice Neyret
Published in Siggraph'04 Conf. DVD-ROM (Poster), August, 2004, Los Angeles (USA). Bibtex :
Rendering realistic natural scenes in real-time is a challenging topic in the field of computer graphics. More specifically, we want to render scenes that contain complex shapes bounded in a layer above a surface. Landscapes (e.g., terrain, vegetation) are examples of such scenes. Lightings and shadows are essential elements toward realism because they help understanding shapes. However:
- Using polygonal meshes and classical shadowing algorithms are too costly in terms
of computation for complex scenes; Thus, our goal is to propose lighting and shadowing techniques adapted to such representations as well as the GPU. Keywords: real-time rendering, natural scenes, GPU, lighting, shadowing, texcells. |
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