Rendering realistic natural scenes in real-time is a challenging topic in the field
of computer graphics. More specifically, we want to render scenes that contain
complex shapes bounded in a layer above a surface. Landscapes (e.g., terrain,
vegetation) are examples of such scenes. Lightings and shadows are essential
elements toward realism because they help understanding shapes. However:
- Using polygonal meshes and classical shadowing algorithms are too costly in terms
of computation for complex scenes;
- Adapted algorithms for dedicated representations such height-fields are efficient,
but these representations are too limited for our needs (e.g. forest);
- Although more powerful representations like surfels or texels exist, algorithms
for quality and efficient lighting and shadowing are not available yet.
Thus, our goal is to propose lighting and shadowing techniques adapted to such
representations as well as the GPU.
Keywords: real-time rendering, natural scenes, GPU, lighting, shadowing, texcells.